Golden Rays of Light


“Golden Rays of Light”

Your radiance is showing ☀️

This is how it feels to be light. To not give attention to things that won’t matter five years from now, or to people whose opinions have nothing to do with you, and to things that drain your energy.

Set it all aside and dance in the light and lightness of your being if you want, because the shadows are always there, even if we can’t see them and likewise, so is the sun.

“He first saw her in a forest clearing. She was dancing and singing, her golden hair sparkling as it swirled around her. Her voice was the very essence of a happy, sunny day distilled into song. She was as weightless on her toes as golden motes in a drowsy beam, floating their way up to the ceiling.” Liz Braswell, Once Upon a Dream

24×36″ mixed media with oils on stretched canvas

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Note: Photo of staged artwork not to scale

1 in stock


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